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A mighty rickroll, and the warrior gene

Cariaso subjected me to a bit of a high-tech rickroll yesterday with his helpful link into information about the SNP I shared. It wasn’t until he prodded me to actually click the link in his comment that I realized that he had sent people to…

Of genomes and privacy

I was an early adopter for the 23 and me service. I ordered the kit in January of 2008, in the early and heady days of personal genomics, when it still cost $1,000. I just recently ordered a limited time special of a similar service…


My grandfather left behind a rather comprehensive stack of Army Field Manuals from the 40s and 50s. As I make my way through his effects, I’ve been paging through them for historical interest and education. Whatever else you can say about the military mind –…

One of those days

For the past six years or so, I’ve made a living as a consultant. Whenever I can, I work for scientists who use high performance computing. Sometimes I work for IT people who work with the scientists who use the abovementioned tech. Occasionally, I work…


My spam is not limited to links. I also get some in my email. My three tiered spam filtration system is really pretty effective – and there’s a fourth filter embodied in my hypervigilant “delete” finger. At this point deleting spam is more reflex than…

Cultural Purity

A lot of people in America are uncomfortable with the cultural changes that are coming. As a nation, we are becoming more ethnically diverse. In pretty short order no particular race will have a clear majority. English will continue to lose its exclusive lock as…

Link Spam

I get a fair amount of link spam in the comments on this site. Most of it is variations on the theme of “I like what you have done here, and I think you should work hard to expand your readership.” They usually put the…

Our Pirate Signal

I contribute, from time to time, to Freethought Rhode Island, an atheist radio show. Tonight, I drove to Providence, got a workout at my old karate school, called in a pizza that I ate in the car on the way to the station, and then…

Someone was listening!

There’s “mere” egosurfing, and then there’s the flat out narcissism of having a constant google search running for mentions of your name. I indulge in the latter, and it turns up a rare gem, along with a crap-heap of doppelgangers. This one refers to a…


I made my first batch of beer sometime in late 2000, with my close friend and fellow “residency widower,” Todd, in Minnesota. Medical residency is a long and lonely process for the spouse, and I developed a fine set of skills and hobbies waiting for…