Product Positioning and Support for Vendors

Genomics and the life sciences can be frustrating and confusing for technology vendors. I help companies articulate the value of their products and services in a way that will appeal to people in my industry. I also leverage my network to ensure that when my clients do reach out to potential customers, they start off talking to the right person.

Like many industries, genomics and the life sciences use a lot of technical jargon. Because we work at the intersection of multiple specialties, terms get used in overlapping and contradictory ways. What is a sales person to do with a group who can’t seem to decide on what they mean by important concepts like “validated” systems or “compliance?” Biotech organizations themselves are also complex. It can take time to understand how priorities are set and decisions get made between a collection of medical doctors, PhD scientists, high powered executives, and seasoned industry veterans.

I have served as an advisor and guide for many vendors developing a go-to-market story for biotech and life science. I have written blog posts, white papers, given seminars, and tagged along on sales calls to help explain how various sorts of technology might be best applied in our little slice of the world. Sometimes these activities are work-for-hire. Other times I treat them as joint business development opportunities.

Either way, I enjoy helping to connect people who need tools and tech with the folks who are developing it. Please drop me a note if you would like to talk about possibilities.