I fill something of a leadership role in my company – and I find myself re-inventing a lot of wheels. My stock line is that in another few years I’ll have re-discovered everything that they tell you on the first day of MBA school. I’m okay with that re-invention, and here’s why:
I have a gut level suspicion of ‘usual’ business management practices. Most businesses run, not for the benefit of the individuals doing the work, but for some other entity. Generally that other entity is either specific (“the owner”), more diffuse (“the shareholders”), or somewhat terrifying (“The Company”).
I want to run a team that uses the structure of ‘corporation’ for the benefit of the team members, not the other way around.
Today, for example, we backed into internal budgets and ‘costing’ for non-revenue-generating activities. This grew from a need to associate both cost and value with activities like writing proposals and attending trade shows.
And to think … I used to be some kinda programmer.