My Day

Vignette 1

I spend the morning stomping the stupid out of several prospective plans. Stomp stomp stomp. At one point I was heard to say, “look, don’t imagine that you can hurt my feelings here. We’re talking about technology and I’m pretty sure I’m right. If I’m wrong, then show me how I’m wrong – but please don’t worry about things (like hurting my feelings) that just aren’t going to happen.”

Vignette 2

My customer asked my opinion on a bill of goods from a third party, totaling $400k. I corrected it down to the $270k that they actually needed. They they bought it.

That’s some sort of a personal record. It’s also pretty scary. Hope it works.

Vignette 3

Went to jiu-jitsu this evening, and got hit with a sneaky armlock. How sneaky? My opponent was working – working – working – and then cries out (a la Pink Floyd) “MONEY!” right as he locks it in and I start the pre-emptive tapping that one does when you don’t need them to actually crank the shoulder to make a point. I totally had no idea that it was about to happen – and he was, like, warming up his victory cry.

Damn. Owned.

Vignette 4

At the bar, I read that the executives responsible for the Bhopal disaster have finally been brought to justice. In case you’ve forgotten, back in the 80’s, a chemical plant farted and killed 3,000 people in the slums of India. It also sickened perhaps a total of a half million – who have since been compensated to the tune of $500 apiece. The penalty? About $2k for each of the executives responsible – and maybe some jail time. Maybe.

Consider that, when we talk about how BP might be fined – like – a third of the $10B dividends they’re paying out right now for crapping the biggest crap ever in the gulf.

Vignette 5

On the way home from dinner (I walked the three blocks from the hotel), I was propositioned by the scariest looking streetwalker I’ve ever seen in my life. “Where you headed? With your wife? You don’t want to have a good time? Can you help me out for gas then? I’m on E…” Yeesh. Poor girl.

And now to bed.

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