
The blockchain part of Blockchain

The blockchain data structure (which is a part of, but distinct from the larger Blockchain ecosystem) consists, perhaps unsurprisingly, of an ordered series of “blocks.” In addition to a payload of data and a few other housekeeping values, each block (except the first one, the…

Proof of work and the nonce

The blockchain technology ecosystem brings together a diverse set of codes and algorithms that have been developed over the past 50-ish years. It includes decades old cryptographic techniques like hashing and symmetric/asymmetric key encryption, and also includes relatively recent innovations related to distributed consensus. The…

The second decade of the cloud

In my talk at Bio-IT World this year, I made some comments about “cloud” technologies that I think bear repeating. 2017 is somewhere in the middle of the second decade of the cloud. Of course, when I say “cloud,” I mean much more than mere…


Over the summer, I have the opportunity to think deeply about the ecosystem of technologies that go by the name “Blockchain.” I’m focusing particularly on how these might apply in a couple of different scientific and healthcare contexts. I plan to post snippets here from…

Tools I use

I work with computers for a living. Here are some of the tools that I use all the time: Macbook Pro: I’ve used a Macbook Pro as my primary workstation since they were introduced, and I haven’t looked back. I’ve had one significant hardware issue…


I did a bulk import from LJ into last night. Apparently, if you have update notification turned on, you got about 2,000 notifications. Apologies to anyone who I spammed. Shouldn’t happen again. FWIW, I’m not planning to turn LJ off – I just want…


My spam is not limited to links. I also get some in my email. My three tiered spam filtration system is really pretty effective – and there’s a fourth filter embodied in my hypervigilant “delete” finger. At this point deleting spam is more reflex than…

Link Spam

I get a fair amount of link spam in the comments on this site. Most of it is variations on the theme of “I like what you have done here, and I think you should work hard to expand your readership.” They usually put the…

Someone was listening!

There’s “mere” egosurfing, and then there’s the flat out narcissism of having a constant google search running for mentions of your name. I indulge in the latter, and it turns up a rare gem, along with a crap-heap of doppelgangers. This one refers to a…


Repeat visitors (hel-lo, Russian spammers!) will notice a possibly unwelcome addition to the bottom of this site. Yes, I’ve sold out and set up google adwords. Basically, I’ve erected a tiny little billboard on my tiny corner of the web. I’ve added code to allow…