Just Bloggin’


1) A djinn appears and tells you that you must give up your rock-star life and technological prowess, but in exchange can grant you a small, local, successful business doing anything else you want. What do you pick? I’ve got to work for a living?…

Resistance is futile

rossja had this thing about questions in her journal. Basically, reply to this and ask for some questions. I’ll ask you questions. You can reply to them here or in your own journal. It’s a party game. Everybody play. Here’s what she asked me: 1.…

Portland Memories

Ate last night at Jake’s Famous Crawfish, a pretty spectacular seafood restaurant in Portland. When we walked in, something started tickling in my brain stem, but it took until I saw the cedar plank salmon on the menu to realize what it was. I had…


I’m out in Portland for the Supercomputing conference. This is my favorite conference of the year for a number of reasons: * Everyone is here. I can stack up face to face half hour conversations with a dozen people in my industry* The right people…

Positive Experience

I just had a really positive experience, and I want to share: and I were taking a walk around the neighborhood to enjoy the unseasonably gorgeous weather. We stopped off at the local coffee shop for a pair of hot chocolates, and settled on the…


I took second place in my division at the Pam Ams yesterday. I was in the M1 (30 to 35 year old) novice (non black belt) under 81 kilo (< 178 lbs) division. There were three of us. One Canadian (green belt) and one other…

My rock star life

Sat Dec 12 :7:15 Depart Boston (BOS) Jetblue 10038:30 Arrive New York (JFK) Jetblue 100310:40 Depart New York (JFK) Emirates Air 204Sun Dec 13:8:10 Arrive Dubai International (DXB) Emirates Air 20413:30 Depart DXB (Emirates Air 572)19:15 Arrive Kolkata (Chandra Bose Airport, CCU) Emirates Air 572…

A variety of thoughts

No real theme here – just trying to not let the days trickle by un-sung. Played a Judo tournament this last weekend. Oddly, at 170 lbs I was the lightest person in the entire masters (over 30) category. They wound up combining the novice and…


Here’s a new one: I missed the last train to Boston from Philly last night, so I got to chill at the station, with the homeless, until the midnight regional arrived. I piled on board with a bevy of disappointed Yankees fans, who shared a…

Night of spirits

The wet, hot, heaviness in the air confused me at first, but I’m pretty sure I have it now: Our calendar has wandered far from the roots of our holidays. Halloween, the night when the veil is thin and spirits cross over with a certain…