
Authorship Indeterminate

I’ve noticed a shift in the AI conversation lately. Folks seem to be converging on the idea that “AI” means systems that create artifacts (text, images, video, sound, code) so similar to those made by humans that it is hard – for the untrained eye…

Less Rage

I find myself wondering, this morning, how we can begin to reduce the amount of anger in the world. The snap responses and rage seem to appear and re-escalate every attempt to defuse and begin to heal our cultural divides. And I realize as I…

Do you believe in God

I’ve had something of a revelation this morning, related to the old stand by question, “do you believe in God?” Historically, I thought that this question was about belief in God. On reflection – I don’t think that it is. I think that it’s more…


Becoming strong does not mean that things get any easier. It means that you can accomplish more – but you still have to work your ass off – go home sore – get up tomorrow wondering why you don’t just quit – and then do…

Dangerous Ideas

I think that the most dangerous idea in modern America today is this: Educated, intelligent, and successful people are unsuited to positions of political power and leadership. This is a meme that could actually take us down, and I think that we need to meet…

What’s a life worth?

Thinking about numbers, fairness, and justice lately. Consider nut allergies. Exposure to various sorts of nuts can cause anaphylactic shock. The person (victim? potential survivor?) gasps, unable to breathe. Without help (usually epinephrine), they can die. That’s pretty bad, right? The question is “To what…


1) A djinn appears and tells you that you must give up your rock-star life and technological prowess, but in exchange can grant you a small, local, successful business doing anything else you want. What do you pick? I’ve got to work for a living?…

Amped Up

Just got back from my second appearance on Freethought RI. This is a radio show that my good friend Dan started a year or so ago as part of his work with the RI Atheist Society. I find myself all amped up and excited about…

Night of spirits

The wet, hot, heaviness in the air confused me at first, but I’m pretty sure I have it now: Our calendar has wandered far from the roots of our holidays. Halloween, the night when the veil is thin and spirits cross over with a certain…

Atheist Scholarship

We judged the RI Atheist Society essays and picked a winner. I thought that the right thing to do was to write to all the non-winners personally. One guy wrote back, and I responded to him. I think it’s a good conversation, so I’ll share…