Real Life

New York

Stole a couple of days with my spouse to get down to New York prior to the holidays. Cashed some Marriott points for a stay in a damn nice hotel. Took the Acela down on Wed, and the limoliner (bus) back on Friday. In between,…


I did a bulk import from LJ into last night. Apparently, if you have update notification turned on, you got about 2,000 notifications. Apologies to anyone who I spammed. Shouldn’t happen again. FWIW, I’m not planning to turn LJ off – I just want…


My grandfather left behind a rather comprehensive stack of Army Field Manuals from the 40s and 50s. As I make my way through his effects, I’ve been paging through them for historical interest and education. Whatever else you can say about the military mind –…


My spam is not limited to links. I also get some in my email. My three tiered spam filtration system is really pretty effective – and there’s a fourth filter embodied in my hypervigilant “delete” finger. At this point deleting spam is more reflex than…

Our Pirate Signal

I contribute, from time to time, to Freethought Rhode Island, an atheist radio show. Tonight, I drove to Providence, got a workout at my old karate school, called in a pizza that I ate in the car on the way to the station, and then…


I made my first batch of beer sometime in late 2000, with my close friend and fellow “residency widower,” Todd, in Minnesota. Medical residency is a long and lonely process for the spouse, and I developed a fine set of skills and hobbies waiting for…

New Orleans

Landed in New Orleans yesterday, around 3pm. Took a cab to my posh hotel, just outside the French quarter. My cab driver opened up after I asked how old his daughter was (photo taped to the dash, she’s 2 and 8 months). He’s produced an…

Reality Check

redmed just got home from work. They called her at 7pm on a Sunday because, as she put it, there was a woman trying to die and doing a pretty decent job at it. The second in command doctor was freaking out – and apparently…

Dietary Plan

I’ve developed an odd and personal dietary plan over the last 35 years. It’s working out pretty well for me so far. I make no promises that this will work for anyone other than me. 1) Eat meat (animal protein) only in moderation. I’ve gotten…

Idiot Inclusion

For the record: My law of idiot inclusion: Any sufficiently large group of people will include some truly awful idiots. Merely finding an idiot in the group with whom you disagree is not sufficient to damn that entire group as idiots. One should also consider…