Good support call: Introduction, blah blah, Chris is one of our experts, blah blah. Question: Which port do I plug the wire into, one or two? Answer: Two Thanks! Bye!
More involved support call: Introduction. System not working as expected. <…hour long diagnostic conversation…> Really? The machine was submerged in water, then allowed to dry, and hasn’t worked correctly since? Please demonstrate that you have a working machine, then blame my software. In that order, thanks. Here’s a nice diagnostic for you to run. Okay? Gotta run…
Yet more involved call: Why did the machine reboot while I was changing the network settings to fix it? We wanted to help!!! Is it done yet??? We have work to do!!!! The machine wasn’t working!!!! We rebooted!!!! It’s still not working!!!! Please stop helping me.
Time to go climb a wall