Management / Leadership


Speaking as someone who seems to be in the thick-of-it on a number of fronts right now, I read John Halamka’s recent post with great interest. In the middle, he offered this checklist: 10. Select your change and what not to change9. Identify those who…

Why I like my job

As the military guys (and gals) will tell you: Nobody puts it all on the line for an abstraction. It’s all about the guy (or gal) next to you. Thus, after my dark thoughts the other night – I share this IM interaction with my…

Late Nites

So here I sit – awake as all hell but with vision bleary from exhaustion. Typing is an effort. My mind spins and spins. I munch homemade sauerkraut and sip ginger ale in an attempt to settle down to the point where I can lay…


I fill something of a leadership role in my company – and I find myself re-inventing a lot of wheels. My stock line is that in another few years I’ll have re-discovered everything that they tell you on the first day of MBA school. I’m…

Bug Tracking and Software Development

I think that my company’s structure needs some structure in order to stay cool without swamping us (me) in support calls. It occurred to me that many development teams use some sort of bug / feature / request tracking system. Broadly, instead of selling 10…