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The autism study

There is a decent amount of coverage about how the key study linking vaccination to autism was outright fraud. There should be more coverage. This needs to be shouted from the rooftops. Out of all the arenas of public thought, public health is one of…


There’s a lot of back and forth in the news about the appropriate size, shape, and funding sources for government. At least … that’s what I see when I choose to pretend that people are talking and thinking about what’s good for the nation rather…

2010 in review

Each year, I do a couple of these year-in-review posts. I find that they’re a good way to review where I’ve been and to try to guess where I might be going. Here is the first sentence from the first post of each month in…

Old tools

While I was installing my new car stereo, I had an experience that I thought was sort of cool. First, context: It turns out that my car dashboard just pops right out. It’s got little plastic tabs that hold it in place, but if you…


There have been a few studies measuring happiness in various activities. The best ones pester the subjects to report their instantaneous happiness at random times throughout the study. “What are you doing right now, and how happy are you?” If I were to participate in…

Vacation Hacking, Day One

So work is closed this week. There may be some INBOX cleaning, here and there, but by and large this week is mine to refresh and recharge. In usual form, I’ve set myself a rather savage schedule of projects that have been sitting around for…

New York

Stole a couple of days with my spouse to get down to New York prior to the holidays. Cashed some Marriott points for a stay in a damn nice hotel. Took the Acela down on Wed, and the limoliner (bus) back on Friday. In between,…

Warrior Gene Redux

One last thought on the Warrior gene. Based on a semi-casual survey of three SNPs from my 23 and me data, I do not carry this gene. Yet, when I started looking into this, my guess was that from experience, I have a strong built-in…


I did a bulk import from LJ into last night. Apparently, if you have update notification turned on, you got about 2,000 notifications. Apologies to anyone who I spammed. Shouldn’t happen again. FWIW, I’m not planning to turn LJ off – I just want…

Warrior gene, not so much

My friend found a solution for my question of what he terms the ‘manliness’ gene! I will briefly protest that neither are all belligerent hot-sauce administering warriors men, nor are all men warriors, and then move on. The solution is to use some of that…