

The thing that really frustrates me about the crises I’ve seen in my life is that, by and large, the financial devastation is 100% avoidable. Absolutely, 100% avoidable. Covid-19 has killed hundreds of thousands of people. That’s real and it’s not up for debate. I…

The economy

I’m reading a bunch of articles about how the US economy is failing to thrive this year – how the Fed is arguing amongst themselves about raising vs. lowering interest rates – how there’s the “risk” of deflation, as opposed to the “risk” of inflation.…

The foul calculus

I keep staring at the world, and thinking how the value of life is so incredibly low. The measured value of non-human life is zero dollars. Birds, tortoises, buffalo … whatever you pick … the “cost” of buying their meat, fouling their habitat, or driving…

Oil Spill

multiplexer has adequately captured my feelings on the matter of what Obama should do about the oil gusher. It amounts to “so long as BP has the best experts and equipment, and appear to be working as hard as they can, let them run the…


I’m modifying my financial structures, and I wouldn’t mind some thoughts from you smart and beautiful people out in internet land. First off, I’ve got a handle on the day to day and month to month finances. I track all expenses in quicken (because it…

A stock market that serves the economy

I would like to present a small proposal to get the world economy back on track. First, history: Some companies choose to “publicly” trade shares of themselves. The chief benefit to a fledgeling company in going public is that it enables the company to raise…

Day Trading

I read an article about day trading today. I had thought that day trading was dead, but apparently the get rich quick crowd is still into it. It was interesting to note that every trader they could find to interview had found a way to…

The new finance

I’m going to indulge in a common fallacy for a moment here – and write a little bit of opinion that is 100% outside my area of expertise. This is a common way for even clever people to wind up looking like idiots – but…

Real numbers

Here’s a nugget from one of the finance blogs I follow Global Economic Analysis: The official unemployment rate is 10.0%. However, if you start counting all the people that want a job but gave up, all the people with part-time jobs that want a full-time…


Just read Matt Taibbi’s incendiary rant on Goldman Sachs, after hearing him on NPR yesterday. How wonderfully angry he is! And to hear him saying the same things I’ve been saying for months to years now, but coherently and with independent fact checking … neat!…